Management API

Base Resource URL:[merchant-account-code]


Provides access to configuration settings of the selected account.

Available sub-resources:

Resource URL Description[merchant-account-code]/terminals    Represents terminals created by a selected merchant.

In cases when an external identifier (Reference Code) is desired to be used instead of Terminal Code, the external identifier assigned to a terminal must be preceded by the asterisk (*).

Terminal identification URL
terminalCode https://[server-name/api/v01/merchants/[merchant-code]/submerchants/[merchant-account-code]/terminals/1.xml
referenceCode https://[server-name/api/v01/merchants/[merchant-code]/submerchants/[merchant-account-code]/terminals/*001.xml

Supported Actions:

Method:  GET       Implicit:  No       Returns:  ServiceResponse      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Creates a new account using data associated with the specified account (name, portfolio code, merchant contact info and provider profiles configured for the specified account).

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 name String No Name of the javascript file to be used for provider profile configuration after the profile is copied from the specified account. For example, name=vantiv-tandem.js.

All available javascript files are stored in $app-home/resources/actions.